PFAS Information

Click here for our latest Customer Communication PFAS Update on April 24, 2024.

LACSD is committed to providing water that meets or exceeds all state and federal water quality standards at the lowest possible cost for our customers. As part of this commitment, LACSD continually monitors the water that we deliver to ensure it meets or exceeds all state and federal standards. In 2023, LACSD started testing its drinking water for PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in accordance with guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We found that some of these chemicals are present in our  drinking water and the District is acting quickly to reduce these levels. We will continue to update the public on our PFAS Updates page. Additional information can be found on our PFAS FAQ page. Updates are provided monthly at our Board of Directors meetings.

The EPA and the State of California provide regulatory oversight over water agencies. The EPA released their final regulations related to certain PFAS chemicals. These regulations require treatment to remove PFAS by 2029 but LACSD is actively working in advance of that to install treatment systems that will remove PFAS from the drinking water. We have contracted with an engineer who has experience designing PFAS removal for other water agencies. We have also submitted an application to the state of California for assistance with funding the project.

Separately, LACSD is independently sampling the watershed to try to identify where the PFAS is coming from. Below is a map that indicates where we have taken samples so far. The majority of these samples are not required by regulators but it is our passion to serve our community and protect our precious resources. So far, we have learned that Lake Arrowhead has higher concentrations of PFAS than groundwater does. Certain tributaries have higher results than others. Click here to see raw water and groundwater sample results. These are not drinking water samples. When we receive additional results, we will post them on our PFAS Updates page.

Click here to see the most recent sample results as of 5/15/2024 for raw water.

It is now more critical than ever that we work together to ensure that no polluted water enters into any stream, creek bed or drainage, including laundry wash water, paint or solvents. Please notify LACSD immediately to report any concerns or if you notice any unauthorized discharges to our waterways at (909) 336-7100 or email us at

PFAS Sampling Sites 2024-05-15 - Copy