Conservation Policies

The goal of LACSD’s permanent water use efficiency policy is to ensure our water resources are managed responsibly. The most recent policy is adopted in Ordinance No. 83. This ordinance contains permanent water use restrictions to prevent water waste and provide escalating restrictions during declared levels of shortage to:

  • Conserve the District’s water supply for the greatest public benefit by providing for water conservation under the declaration of a water shortage emergency condition and
  • Adopt provisions that will change the water-use habits of customers to significantly reduce the consumption of water for long-term human consumption, sanitation and fire protection of the District’s customers.
Below are some of the current water use restrictions contained in the policy. To read the full version, click here. Penalties may apply for violations and noncompliance.

Irrigation Schedule:

  • From May 1st through October 15th
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday only
  • 6:00 pm to 8:00 am

For example, you can irrigate on Monday morning from midnight until 8:00 am or you can irrigate on Monday evening from 6:00 pm to midnight.

No irrigation is allowed outside these dates, days and times. Do not irrigate between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Additional Irrigation Restrictions

  • Turn off your irrigation when it is raining and for 48 hours afterwards
  • Do not irrigate more than what is needed for natural growth and to sustain life
  • No irrigation may allow excess water to run-off onto paved surfaces or beyond the property line
  • Irrigation systems must be shut off and winterized from October 16th to April 30th

Landscaping Standards

  • No new turf grass is allowed
  • New landscaping is limited to no more than 50% of the undeveloped area of the parcel
  • Only 150 square feet may have plantings that are not on the drought tolerant plant list
  • New homes must use drip or microspray irrigation systems
  • Click here to view our Landscape Guide for Mountain Homes

Other Permanent Water Restrictions

  • Do not use a hose to wash any hard or paved surfaces
  • Use a bucket and a hose with a shut off nozzle to wash your car
  • Repair any leaks as soon as possible
  • Decorative fountains or ponds must be recirculating

Hospitality Standards

  • Restaurants shall only serve drinking water upon request
  • Hotels shall provide the option of not laundering towels and linens daily